Dangerous Tweets
There are those tweets you can send without thinking. And then there are those tweets that just might get you canceled. But let's face it: 280 characters isn't enough to thoroughly explore all the nuances that come with the hottest topics in the culture. On Dangerous Tweets, we discuss the unpopular opinions in Black Twitter to see if we can't make some sense of it, and find a little healing along the way.
Dangerous Tweets
The Great Cigar Debate
Boss Up Digital
Episode 27
Tweet 1: This tweet attempts to put an end to the "50/50" or "man should pay" argument that has a stronghold on our community.
Tweet 2: Woman makes a TikTok about getting a guy a cigar for the first date. Black Twitter erupts.
Tweet 3: Inflation is doing a number on millennials.
Tweet 4: The conflicted feelings of having an abusive parent that worked hard for you.